Lies are true, fly if possible hide if concealable, Smile, keep off distractive redo, undo damages Garbages cause in the course of life, got to fight When survival required, from enemy flea Flight accepted when absconding, accounting For the better life life has for ones destiny to reveal, Lies are true, sorted, branded, spoken, then awarded, As truth, can't say no, that's not true it's true, Lies are true when keen ears needed listening To words award as the sound sounds with Reasonings mind and an accepting heart, Zero down and mend your ways for lies never lie Lies are true, protective incarnate it's personality As lies never lie only reveals the fact and the act Of ones characters, lies are true. High eyes looked, seen at the scene opposite is true, High mind minds, visions at the moment for it is true. Great are the thoughts though thorns deepen in wounds Feels healing is needed but the opposite is true. Lies spoken, truth canceled conceal the pain truth Seen to...