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  Saying lies easier than truth, doing wrong just a snap. Good awaits in long queue of actions, just an action and sinning just a sniff. Righteousness made a hard to find asset. What of rewards?. Saving pains while spending thrives, striving to build and braking just a moment. Broke is a thing, riches takes times. Exstreamly hard to achieve or even acqure but lossing? No effort at all. It is a life, no sense. A life no sense.


 While a smile keeps our faces bright, the expression is right. The old man said to me, "Son, be as light as feathers so that when you fall, you won't hit the ground so hard". "Be as wise as a snake when exploring the world", he added. I've grown with it and here I am. Be humble and never get worried because no one leaves this world alive. His words. Was carried away and I got to learn each word.